Specific developments
In some cases, to precisely meet your unique needs, specific extension are necessary. This may include feature additions or changes to the core software. These bespoke developments are designed in close collaboration with you to ensure they perfectly match the specific requirements, aiming to offer a tailor-made solution.
As QDV7 integrators, we have acquired skills in Office tools such as Visual Studio, Sharepoint as well as .Net as well as SpreadsheetGear and the QDV7 API. We can thus offer interfaces with CRM and ERP solutions that QDV7 complements.
Drawing on this experience, we are also able to develop specific applications with the following technologies:
- Frontend : Javascript, frameworf React
- Backend: php, Symfony Framework,
- Deployment environment: OVH, Heroku,
- Databases: PostgreSQL
- Tools: Visual studio Code (front), and Netbeans (back), Docker, Quick Devis development or custom development